
Aug. 28/2015

Day to Day Routine


I am writing this post with a massive Hangover, it is 10.30 a.m and i haven’t been in the studio yet, actually i am thinking about going back to bed. Just to tell you this at the beginning so you know that i am not as perfect as i will try to make you think in the following lines.

Since i am living from the things i do aka. my art, it is a challenge to organize my day to day work in a way I can call “productive”. There are so many tempting things which nobody can stop you from doing. Things like sleeping late, drinking beer, sitting in front of the computer the whole day long (social media of course) cleaning your flat, sleeping in the afternoon, meeting friends for coffee and stay out until the middle of the night.. and so on.

I really do try to work each and every day and to have some sort of a daily routine that makes it possible for me to go with the flow, even when i am not feeling it. I just do it anyways and i think this is important. Let’s quote Stephen King at this point:

Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
Stephen KingAnd here, have a little inside view of my, really nice, studio (or at least you can see one corner of it)

work hard

This is where i try to sit everyday (Oh i already feel bad.. Writing this and haven’t been there today)I will turn to Stephen King again, who is proposing a rock solid routine. The one where you wake up at the same time every day, make yourself the same drink (mine is warm water with lemon. Here is a link to a Blog that tells you about the benefits of that. I am hooked) and get to work. So it’s like a training for body and mind, they both know that it’s business time.There is a really nice book about managing your day to day life, they also have a Blog and it’s generally fun because a lot of creative minds talk about their way of working. Stephen King (yes, again) Haruki Murakami, Stefan Sagmeister and much more.Check it out!But then again, don’t forget this saying:Work hard, play harder.This is also important. My playtime is mostly with my dog, out in the forrest. Maybe this explains why everything i make looks a little like my dog and is nature related.Oh, you want to see a picture of my dog? With pleasure!

work harder

There are so many nice books on this topic, and the best are written from Keri Smith. I also like her website, eventhough it is not very up to date right now.But, Have a Look! But it’s not only, either working hard or playing hard. Here is an example of how i discover things while hanging around in my bed, staring at the rug ( Staring at the rug because i felt sick and it was nicer to hang my head out of bed)