
Mar. 28/2018

On Doubt

Call me the Queen of Doubt

Last year I was lucky enough to be part of a very beautiful project. The name of the project is On Doubt and it’s run by an artist who isn’t only a brilliant painter but also an incredibly nice person, someone even I feel comfortable being around. Not so comfortable though that I didn’t need three glasses of Gin to be comfortable enough for the Interview. And even then, I still wasn’t the most relaxed person in the world. (seems like I haven‘t quite processed this experience yet ;))

Back to the project though. The artist who is the founder of this project, his name is Christian Bazant Hegemark, is visiting creative people all around the world to talk ab0ut them about doubt in the creative process. The results are amazingly inspiring and it’s so interesting to hear about all the different aspects of creative work and the artist‘s doubt about it.

When it comes to doubt, not only in the creative process, I am more of less the Queen of it. Not because I have it under my control but because I have so much of it, it’s enough for a whole kingdoms to live in doubt and fear. So naturally it was my topic to bable on and on about. Oh, and my interview is in english. if you go to watch it, be prepared for the worst Arnold Schwarzenegger english there is. But I thought that it makes much more sense because I always tell myself that I am quite international (which is why my blog is in english too. I am not confident enough to ask for comments on where you are from, because I guess I am writing this for no one still. I even forgot to tell my mother to start checking my journal again) And also, because the big day will come where Spike Jonze will find my website and I really want him to be able to read the imaginary stories about him. (no doubt about it that this day will come)

So that’s pretty much it. I want to share this project with you.. oh, and another nice thing, if you are someone who is constantly questioning everything about your art. Beautiful bizarre Magazin has a nice online mag called „mentor me“ where a lot of great artists share their views on success and doubt and social media (so one day you can be as skilled as me in running a successful blog)

I will now try and share a video with you. If this doesn‘t work, I will simply link the YouTube channel HERE. It’s the link, go click it and watch the on doubt YouTube channel. Trust me on this.


your queen of doubt