
Jan. 14/2017

Take Care Gang

Please meet my Gang

I’ve been working on a new gang of friends last year and when i introduced them to the world i decided to add as little information as possible so that everyone can find their own story in their own head and create their own world around them.

But now i want to tell you my story aka my thoughts. When i started working on them i wanted to create monsters, not really mean ones, my monsters, guardians maybe. But guardians for us because i felt that humans would need protection. But when i got to know them better i had the feeling that i wasn’t really on spot with that thought. And with a big glass of wine i sat down with my little monsters to see if they would tell me their story. When i sat there staring at them for a while, writing down everything that came to my mind i saw that i was wrong. I wanted to create guardians but i didn’t see how fragile they were themselves, dealing with their own problems already. In each of my little friends i found a “Togetherness”, sometimes wanted, sometimes forced on them. But they were not alone, they were taking care of each other. So here it is, a group picture of my little gang i grew very fond of. A few of them (missing in the picture) are already gone to places where someone takes good care of them or the other way round, in the end, who saves whom.. Nobody knows. (#emotionaldrunk)

The rest of them is still waiting for places to go in my shop. I will make weekly sales there which i won’t announce anywhere else, but every week one of my friends is willing to leave my home for a special price.

Have a beautiful day my imaginary friends!
